Editor Intro
Welcome to the level editor! Here are some tips to get started.
Camera Control
Hold Right Click to look around.
WASD controls the camera, with Left Ctrl and Space to control altitude. (These controls are all adjustable in the ESC menu.)
Building A Map
Select the Village theme, and the Tile type. Place an “Floor_0E” component and an “Flag8x8_0E” component. Then place a “Spawn” from the Special type.
Press the Play button (top center) to try your map out!
You can select Position, Rotation, and Scale tools from the top right.
You can toggle the Snap checkbox to toggle the snapping of the tools. To change the snap factors, go to Options Menu -> Editor Options.
You can use the Start Y field to build at a certain height. The ground is at 0, but the default height is 4, slightly above ground.
You can delete objects with Delete, and duplicate objects with F.
Publishing A Map
Add a “PreviewCamera” from the Special type. This will be used to create your workshop thumbnail.
File Menu -> Save As… and give your map a name. (You can’t publish a map called “Untitled”.)
File Menu -> Save and Publish.
Make sure you have accepted the Steam Workshop agreement, then click OK. Your map should then be published!
If you want to make an update, simply Save and Publish again.